alejandro t. acierto

current projects

© 2025 alejandro t. acierto

“... we can remember that some spaces are already occupied. They even take the shape of the bodies that occupy them. Bodies also take the shape of the spaces they occupy and of the work they do. And yet sometimes we reach what is not expected. A space, however occupied, is taken up by somebody else. When bodies take up spaces that they were not intended to inhabit, something other than the reproduction of the fact of the matter happens. The hope that reproduction fails is the hope for new impressions, for new lines to emerge, new objects, or even new bodies, which gather, in gathering around this [space].”
–Sara Ahmed, Queer Phenomenology

“He gave his life to satisfy the State”
Last Mile Blues, Ida Cox

“If there is no fear in the law, wala yanYung hanging, once the spine is ripped off inside, wala na. Just like putting off a light.”
—statement by then presidential candidate Rodrigo Duterte, May 17, 2016

This is an elegy for the departed, for the incarcerated, for those forced out from their lands. It is a pause and a repeating, a suspension of time tracing the shape of a fall tethered to imported wooden posts. A temporary site for study, a resting space within and among the undercommons, an active performance of refusal and fugitive planning

spread from “A science of inquiry”, newsprint, 17in x 11in, 2022
[video in progress]
still from “what little is known”, video with sound, 9:45, 2022/3
still from “what little is known”, video with sound, 9:45, 2022/3
temporal collapse, large format photocopy, 144in x 36in, 2022

"We are ecstatic that this rarely seen species was photographed by accident. It may be the only photo of this poorly known bird.” 
- Mike Lu, president of the Wild Bird Club of the Philippines 

“Fix your hair or you will look like an Igorot.” 
- Maria G. Acierto

“We must vacate the here and now for a then and there. Individual transports are insufficient. We need to engage in a collective temporal distortion. We need to step out of the rigid conceptualization that is a straight present." 
–from Cruising Utopia: The Then and There of Queer Futurity, José Esteban Muñoz